
DoBetter 2023 Bundle

CEUs: 18.5 (4 Ethics | 12.5 Learning | 2 Supervision) BACB®
Presenter(s): Multiple Presenters

Original price was: $230.00.Current price is: $175.00.Save $55.00

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If you purchase this course you will earn 175 Points worth $17.50!

Engineering Affirming Relations using Advances in Relational Frame Theory

Neurodiversity affirming practices extend from the assumption that all individuals have different abilities and perceptual interactions with their world, and practice should seek to foster supporting environments that allow people to thrive as they are (Singer, 1998; Blume, 1998; Pearson & Rose, 2021). This series of presentations will provide an overview of on-going research in our lab to support the development of neurodiversity affirming practices in the field of Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA). We borrow heavily from critical and pragmatic theories and selection at multiple analytic levels of analysis. First, Adler will present research incorporating personal interests into therapy, including teaching of daily living and vocational skills and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy. Second, Hutchison will present on a developing research line exploring the flexible use of gender pronouns and teaching flexible pronoun use within neurotypical and autistic populations. Third, Zuch will discuss research exploring autism stigma and relational framing and the role behavior analysts could play in developing more affirming spaces for autistics. Finally, we will have an open audience question and answer period where all attendees are welcome to participate in a safe space. PARTICIPANTS WILL LEARN TO:
  • incorporate personal interests into programming for neurodivergent learners;
  • describe relational framing within flexible use of gender pronouns and considerations for instructional programming;
  • discuss autism stigma and factors within ABA communities that might contribute to stigmatizing beliefs
PRESENTER(S): Dr. Belisle is an Associate Professor at Missouri State University. His lab, Humans Understanding Behavior (HUB), seems to expand the potential of a science of human behavior. He has published over 80 peer reviewed articles and book chapters, and 2 books: ACT for Behavior Analysts and Research Methods for Practicing Behavior Analysts.

Shaping, Shaping, Shaping….Always Shaping

Are you ready to take your expertise in behavior analysis to the next level? Introducing our groundbreaking webinar on the transformative art of shaping. Get ready to ignite your passion for teaching new skills and conquering stressful environments like never before! In the dynamic field of behavior analysis, the potential of shaping often remains untapped due to the lack of comprehensive training. Dr. DeLeon is here to equip you with the essential knowledge and tools to master the art of assessing a learner’s current performance and determining the precise shaping steps to create low-stress and effective learning environments. Through a captivating blend of interactive activities and real-life case examples, Dr. DeLeon will personally guide you on a journey of discovery. You’ll learn how to skillfully assess the shaping needs of your clients, unlocking the gateway to accelerated skill development like never before. With her expert guidance, you’ll gain the confidence to design powerful programs for skill acquisition based on the transformative principles of shaping. But that’s not all! By enrolling in this exclusive webinar, you’ll gain access to an invaluable shaping packet. Packed with practical resources, insightful templates, and real-world examples, this treasure trove of knowledge will revolutionize your approach to teaching a variety of skills. Imagine empowering your clients with self-advocacy, equipping them to navigate stressful experiences with resilience, and building strong connections through the power of relationship development and play. Don’t miss out on this extraordinary opportunity to enhance your clinical skill set. Join Dr. DeLeon and a community of like-minded behavior analysts as we embark on a journey of transformation together. Elevate your practice, ignite your passion, and make a lasting impact on the lives of your clients. Enroll now and unleash the boundless potential of shaping! LEARNING OBJECTIVES:
  • Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of shaping as a powerful strategy for teaching new skills and addressing challenging behavior, and recognize its significance within behavior analysis.
  • Participants will learn to effectively assess a learner’s current performance and identify the specific shaping steps necessary to guide them towards a terminal goal.
  • Participants will acquire practical knowledge and resources to develop individualized programs for skill acquisition, leveraging the principles of shaping to facilitate accelerated progress.
  • Participants will explore various skills that can be shaped through behavior analytic service delivery.
  • Participants will enhance their decision-making skills by examining critical considerations before embarking on the shaping process, ensuring the implementation of successful and ethical programs for skill development.

Building Systems that Support Employee Wellness

Behavior science is powerful. As behaviorists, we use tools to build repertoires and relationships that facilitate meaningful change for the individuals we serve. All too often we neglect to give our professional relationships the same careful consideration. In this presentation, attendees will interact with the presenters to develop applicable strategies for identifying and promoting a healthy workplace. Together we will determine how to identify common problems among helping professionals, like burnout and care fatigue. We will explore strategies for supporting mental and physical well-being through supervisory relationships. Finally, we will discuss systems designed to encourage wellness in the workplace. Attendees will leave with actionable items to pursue organic engagement among colleagues. LEARNING OBJECTIVES:
  • The participants will define and identify signs of burnout and care fatigue
  • The participants will identify strategies that encourage mental and physical wellness
  • he participants will describe 3 ways to increase rates of organic participation in the supervisory relationship

PRESENTER BIOS Emily Wilson, MA, BCBA, LBA, CCTSI Emily’s behavior analytic practice is built on a diverse foundation of interests in the liberal arts and sciences. As an undergraduate at James Madison University, she studied Sociology with a minor in Religion. She is involved in politics and social activism. The daughter of a mental health counselor and an educator, she also routinely draws inspiration from evidence-based practices in parallel fields. She got her first job in Applied Behavior Analysis in 2012 and earned her master’s degree and board certification in 2016. She co-owns Blossom Behavioral Services in Newport News, VA. Her approach to service provision emphasizes learner assent and self-advocacy. Beyond the BCBA, Emily has additional training and experience in a variety of subject areas, including Precision Teaching, Organizational Behavior Management, Motivational Interviewing, Acceptance and Commitment Training, feeding and sleep interventions, as well as instruction on implementing several ABA-based assessment tools. She is certified to provide Early Intervention services in Virginia. Emily is also a Certified Clinical Trauma Specialist-Individual (CCTSI). Her diverse learning history is reflected in her clinical approach, which relies on a wide lens assessment to ultimately develop focused supportive interventions. Elizabeth Matthews, BCBA Elizabeth Matthews (Liz) is the Owner and Executive Director of EMG Consulting, established in 2008 and identified as one of Virginia’s 2023 Best Places to Work. After graduating from Wells College and Simmons College, she became a BCBA in 2006. Currently, Liz is a doctoral student at Virginia Commonwealth University, studying leadership. Liz has presented at multiple conferences including the Association for Applied Behavior Analysis International’s Annual Conference. Her volunteer work has earned her Sponsor of the Year from the Autism Society, Tidewater Virginia. Liz serves on the Virginia Association for Behavior Analysis board and is the board liaison to the association’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee. Liz is a military spouse and lives in Virginia Beach with her husband Charles, son Peyton, and their golden retriever Gracie. Having watched behavior analysis grow exponentially in Virginia, Liz is passionate about ongoing networking, camaraderie, and quality communication for practitioners.

How Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy Informs Behaviour Analytic Practices

Transactional Analysis is a Psychoanalytical theory which looks at how we are in relationship with others and ourselves. During childhood we develop particular beliefs about ourselves and as we grow, we seek ways to reinforce this in both helpful and harmful ways. Looking at how our internal and external environments are arranged, we can apply this through a Behaviour Analytic Lense. LEARNING OBJECTIVES:
  • Participants will be able to identify all 3 Ego states
  • Participants will be able to identify the difference between conditional and unconditional strokes
  • Participants will be able to consider how life scripts are reinforced by thoughts and behaviour

Flourishing in your Behavior Analytic Career

This presentation is designed to equip behavior analysts with the necessary skills and knowledge to implement the fundamental concepts of Positive Psychology to improve their personal and professional lives. Grounded in the robust PERMA model of well-being, this webinar is an exploration of the five crucial elements – Positive emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, and Achievement (PERMA) – that contribute to flourishing in all aspects of life. Behavior analysts will learn how to leverage these PERMA elements to enhance their client interactions, promote self-growth, and foster resilience. It will offer practical ways to cultivate positive emotions, build meaningful relationships, and sustain engagement in their work, all while creating a deeper sense of purpose and achieving professional milestones. Learning Objectives
  • Participants will be able to describe  a framework for improving well-being through examining and finding contingencies that matter
  • Participants will be able to state at least 1 resource based on evidence from the field of contextual behavioral science and positive psychology to improve social and occupational functioning and deepen therapeutic relationships
  • Participants will be able to identify and clarify their own professional values and strengths

Introduction to ACT and RFT for Behavior Analysts

This webinar with Dr. Jordan Belisle, BCBA-D, is a profound exploration of how the transformative approaches of ACT and RFT are reshaping the landscape of behavior analysis, providing new tools to address the complexities of human behavior. Learning Objectives:
  1. Participants will provide at least 1 impact that RFT and ACT have had on the broader field of behavior analysis
  2. Participants will be able to explain the significance of psychological flexibility as a catalyst for change within the realm of ACT interventions and its potential to enhance behavior analysis practices.
  3. Participants will be able to provide at least 1 practical application of ACT by behavior analysts
  4. Participants will be able to explain  the core principles of RFT
  5. Participants will be able to provide 1 example of  how RFT and ACT can effectively address behavior challenges linked to complex language, such as schedule insensitivity and experiential avoidance.

The School Edition: FAPE, LRE, and the High-Quality, ND Affirming IEP

In this comprehensive webinar, Abbey Mix, BCBA delves into the intricacies of developing Neurodiversity-affirming Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) within the educational landscape. The webinar features an overview of the historical and legal foundations of special education including pivotal legal cases. Abbey then explores the concept of LRE (Least Restrictive Environment) as defined by federal law, emphasizing its significance in fostering inclusive and accessible educational environments. Learning Objectives:
  1. Participants will be able to explain 1 reason why behavior analysts should understand special education terms such as FAPE, IEP, and LRE.
  2. Participants will be able to explain at least 1 benefit of focusing on neurodiversity affirming approaches to special education
  3. Participants will be able to give 1 example for how to increase collaboration in the IEP process
  4. Participants will be able to give 1 example of a creative solution for increasing time in the general education setting
  5. Participants will be able to explain at least 1 reason for focusing on changing the environment instead of “fixing” the person

An Overview of ACT and Using the ACT Matrix for Planning Values Based Goals

Join us for a profound exploration into the world of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT). In this webinar, Veronica Dunning dives deep into the heart of ACT, an integrative therapeutic approach that seamlessly weaves principles from behavioral analysis, mindfulness, and Relational Frame Theory (RFT). Learning Objectives:
  • Participants will be able to provide a brief explanation of RFT and derived relations.
  • Participants will be able to describe mindfulness and experiential avoidance.
  • Participants will able to describe at least one of the core processes of Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT).
  • Participants will be able to explain the importance of the hexaflex and the psychological flexibility model.
  • Participants will be able to describe how to set goals using the ACT matrix.

Providing Trauma-responsive ABA with Youth in Foster Care

This webinar will discuss ways practitioners may need to adjust ABA interventions when considering behavior in the context of trauma. Learning Objectives:
  1. Participants will be able to conceptualize trauma from a behavioral perspective.
  2. Participants will be able to identify at least 1 way that behavioral interventions may be contraindicated for youth who have experienced trauma.
  3. Participants will be able to discriminate between potentially harmful and trauma-responsive interventions.
  4. Participants will be able to identify at least 2 strategies to build competence in trauma-responsive care.



DoBetter 2023 Bundle  Number of CEs
 Engineering Affirming Relations using Advances in Relational Frame Theory  2 Learning
 Shaping, Shaping, Shaping, Always Shaping  2.5 Learning
 Building Systems that Support Employee Wellness  2 Supervision
 How Transactional Analysis Psychotherapy Informs Behaviour Analytic Practices  2 Ethics
 Flourishing in your Behavior Analytic Career  2 Learning
 Introduction to ACT and RFT for Behavior Analysts  2 Learning
 The School Edition: FAPE, LRE, and the High-Quality, ND Affirming IEP  2 Learning
 An overview of ACT and using the ACT matrix for planning values based goals  2 Learning
 Providing trauma-responsive ABA with Youth in Foster Care  2 Ethics
Total 18.5 CEs

Additional information

CEU Amount

>= 5

CEU Type

Learning, Ethics, Supervision

Product Type



Paid, Included with Trail Blazers

Course Presenter

Abbey Mix, BCBA, LMSW, Claire Zuch, Elizabeth Matthews, BCBA, Emily Wilson, MA, BCBA, LBA, Jamine Dettmering, BCBA, Jordan Belisle, PhD, BCBA-D, Kelly Taylor Saunders, BCaBA, Lauren Hutchison, Maggie Adler, Megan Miller, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA, Tommy Parry, BCBA, Veronica Dunning, BCBA