
DoBetter 2018 Bundle

CEUs: 35.5 Learning (6 Ethics included) BACB®
Presenter(s): Megan Miller, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA

Original price was: $355.00.Current price is: $305.00.

The year that started the #dobetter movement! This bundle provides you with access to all of the #dobetter webinars from 2018.

If you purchase this course you will earn 305 Points worth $30.50!

3 Learning BACB® CEUs - Early Intervention: What I Wish I Knew in Grad School

Behavior analysts frequently work in Early Intervention settings with populations birth to 3 years of age but do not receive behavior analytic training on typical child development and developmental research. This webinar discusses some of the key aspects of developmental research that all behavior analysts should be familiar with when working in EI settings. Additionally, participants will learn about different behaviorally based interventions and procedures to use with children birth to three that more closely emulate the natural environment and typical development. Participants receive access to supporting documents that provide examples of how to develop a routines based plan for families, a decision tree for determining how to structure intervention, and literature summaries relating to imitation and autism. Participants will be able to:
  1. Provide a basic explanation of the Early Start Denver Model and how it is behavior analytic in nature
  2. Explain the importance of focus on social interaction and development with the birth to three population
  3. Identify the steps of the imitation procedure used within the Early Start Denver Model
  4. Identify resources for working with EI populations and explain how those resources support implementation of behavior analytic interventions
  5. Analyze whether or not skills being targeted for a birth to 3 client are being taught in the most appropriate fashion
  6. Identify at least 3 strategies that can be used to promote engagement within the EI setting

Break out of the Skinner Box! Evidence-based Practice, What It Is and What It Isn’t

Behavior analysts are required to implement procedures based in the science of behavior analysis and derived from the research. Current trends within our field seem to focus on implementing “evidence- based” procedures, usually taken from a list of procedures recognized by a secondary entity such as What Works Clearinghouse as opposed to using an analytical and problem solving approach. The purpose of this presentation is to highlight some common practices within behavior analytic intervention and discuss the evidence-base relating to these practices. The presentation concludes with discussion of evidence- based practice as a problem-solving model and an example of this application with a child diagnosed with autism. Learning Objectives:
  1. Participants will be able to summarize the research for at least 3 commonly used behavior analytic interventions
  2. Participants will be able to summarize the research for at least 2 less commonly used interventions
  3. Participants will be able to explain considerations that should be made when determining if something is evidence-based
  4. Participants will be able to explain the continuum of research from no research to well-established
  5. Participants will be able to describe and provide examples of resources versus interventions
  6. Participants will be able to describe the three prongs of the evidence-based practice model

Design Instruction Better: Going Beyond the 3 Term Contingency

This webinar provides a basic overview of critical features of Instructional Design and resources available to learn more about instructional design. Developing a basic understanding of instructional design is an important component to creating effective programming for skill acquisition. Participants will be able :
  1. To define instructional design
  2. To describe and provide an example of at least 1 type of learning
  3. To provide at least 1 example of how to apply instructional design research to program development
  4. To provide at least 1 example of feature analysis

ABLLS-R, AFLS, VBMAPP, ESDM, PEAK!?!? Choosing the Right Assessment for Your Learner with Autism

A variety of assessment options exist for identifying skills to target for learners diagnosed with Autism and other developmental disabilities. Many practitioners are trained on a specific assessment with little regard to the appropriateness of that assessment for the learner. This presentation discusses how to individualize the assessment process to create the most effective intervention program for each learner. Additionally, video examples are provided that demonstrate how to observe a learner and assess skills without using a commercially available assessment. Participants will be able to:
  • Describe at least 3 different commercially available assessments for learners with autism
  • Identify at least 1 commercially available assessment for young learners with autism
  • Define the term “core” assessment and explain how this can be used to develop intervention
  • Describe the 4 different learner profiles and identify typical assessments/programs used for such profiles
  • Conduct assessments with learners without using a commercially available assessment
  • Identify at least 1 assessment that can be used to address barriers to learning

Rediscover Your Roots: Putting the Analysis Back in Behavior Analysis. Part 2: Discrepancy Analysis

This presentation continues the discussion relating to analyzing barriers to learning in order to promote effective skill acquisition for learners. Discrepancy analysis is defined and the presenter provides examples of conducting a discrepancy analysis to pinpoint potential barriers and develop programming relating to the barriers. A checklist for conducting discrepancy analyses is provided for individuals to use with their own learners. The materials in this course also provide an excellent resource for training others on one example of ANALYZING learner performance instead of following a cookbook procedural approach. Learning Objectives. Participants will be able to:
  • Define discrepancy analysis
  • Explain why discrepancy analysis is a critical aspect in providing effective behavior analytic services
  • Conduct a discrepancy analysis with their learners to improve progress in skill acquisition programs
  • Describe considerations that need to be made between can’t do and won’t do skill performances
  • Describe what observations should be conducted when planning for addressing barriers to learning
  • Explain how to tie observations and data collection back to the science of behavior analysis to determine the root problem and develop intervention

Effectively Developing Reinforcers, Play, and Leisure Skills

The purpose of this webinar is to teach attendees how to identify goals and deficits relating to building reinforcers, play behavior, and leisure skills and use this information to develop effective interventions to improve the quality of life for the clients that we serve. Additionally, this webinar includes a discussion about the difference between play and leisure skills and provides recommendations on how to effectively program for these two drastically different skillsets. 

Learning Objectives:
  1. Attendees will be able to state at least 2 reasons for lack of play skills
  2. Attendees will be able to provide at least 1 example of how to build reinforcers
  3. Attendees will be able to describe at least 2 differences between play and leisure skills
  4. Attendees will be able to identify at least 1 resource for teaching play, leisure, and social skills
  5. Attendees will be able to provide at least 1 example of how to teach social skills

The Parent is Always Right: Effectively Training Parents in Behavior Analytic Interventions

The effectiveness of behavior analytic interventions hinges on how well we can train parents and other caregivers to implement behavioral strategies in the natural environment. The purpose of this webinar is to review parent training materials, policies and procedures, and practices that we use to effectively train parents. Resources that help support effective parent training are also discussed. Participants will learn how to conduct more structured parent training and will receive examples to documents that can be used when conducting parent training. Learning Objectives:
  1. Participants will be able to explain recommended guidelines for parent training
  2. Participants will be able to explain at least 3 recommendations for parent training and coaching
  3. Participants will be able to explain appreciative inquiry and how to apply it within parent training
  4. Participants will be able to apply at least 1 strategy for collaborating with parents
  5. Participants will be able to apply at least 1 strategy for documenting parent training activities

Best Practices in Behavioral Skills Training, Functional Communication Training, and Demand Fading

One of the core functions of a behavior analyst’s job is to determine how to arrange the environment to promote skill acquisition and reduction of challenging behavior. Functional communication training, demand fading, and behavioral skills training are all intervention packages that can be used to achieve this goal. The purpose of this webinar is to review the literature related to each of these intervention packages and provide video examples of how to successfully apply each of these strategies. A thorough analysis of these interventions is crucial in creating intervention environments that result in a happy and motivated learner and decrease the reliance on traditional extinction procedures. Participants receive access to example intervention protocols to support implementation of demand fading, functional communication training, and behavioral skills training. Participants will be able:
  1. To summarize the research on demand fading
  2. To summarize the research on behavioral skills training
  3. To summarize the research on functional communication training
  4. To explain how demand fading can be used as an alternative to traditional extinction procedures and describe the steps to follow to successfully implement demand fading
  5. To explain the steps to implement to promote successful implementation of functional communication training
  6. To describe how behavioral skills training can be used with clients to promote acquisition of skills

Navigate Challenging Behavior Better

This webinar focuses on going beyond the typical training provided on functions of behavior and behavioral assessment to provide attendees with a more comprehensive understanding of how to navigate challenging behavior. Dr. Miller provides an overview of how to truly conduct functional assessment and analysis and reviews research in support of advancements in functional analysis technology such as the Interview Informed Synthesized Contingency Analysis (Hanley, 2015). She then provides a deeper dive into considerations relating to ethical and flexible application of extinction, addressing stereotypy, and maintaining analysis when designing behavior intervention plans. This webinar includes video examples and access to a google drive folder with example programs. Participants will be able to:
  1. Describe the primary purpose of functional assessment
  2. Identify at least 1 benefit to using advancements in functional analysis technologies
  3. Explain at least 1 ethical consideration regarding extinction
  4. Explain 1 treatment option for stereotypy
  5. Describe the importance of maintaining analysis in developing behavior intervention plans
  6. Describe at least 1 general guideline to follow when addressing challenging behavior

Don’t Be Afraid of the Funky Blue Chart: Breaking Down Skills and Analyzing the Environment Better

Precision teaching is a method of data analysis that allows behavior analysts to maximize progress. However, many behavior analysts do not receive training on the core components of precision teaching and how it can benefit their clients. The purpose of this webinar is to summarize these components and provide examples of how precision teaching and the Standard Celeration Chart can be used within behavior analytic interventions to enhance decision making and client progress. Participants receive access to example intervention protocols and materials to support further understanding of precision teaching. Participants will be able :
  1. To explain the core components of precision teaching
  2. To summarize the research relating to precision teaching
  3. To explain and provide examples of component/composite analysis
  4. To explain and provide examples of frequency building
  5. To explain at least 1 way the standard celeration chart can improve visual analysis of data and decision making

Schedule Reinforcement Better: Using Behavior Economics and Matching Law to Improve Client Outcomes

Schedules of reinforcement are integral part of the work behavior analysis do on a day-to-day basis. This webinar provides a basic overview of behavioral economics and matching law to help attendees learn how to extend their knowledge of reinforcement in order to improve client outcomes. Dr. Miller explores a few case examples of how knowledge of breaking points, choice research, and matching law enhanced outcomes for her clients. Participants also receive access to recommended resources and research to improve application of the content after viewing the webinar. Participants will be able to:
  1. Define behavioral economics
  2. Define matching law
  3. Provide at least 1 example of how to use the research on breaking points to improve behavior analytic programming
  4. Provide at least 1 example of how to apply matching law to improve behavior analytic programming

Toileting, Feeding, and Sleep, OH My!

This course provides an overview of effective behavior analytic interventions that can be used to address issues arising around toileting, feeding, and sleep. Attendees will receive an overview of literature to explore for these common pediatric difficulties and some examples of how to apply behavior analysis to effectively address these issues. Learning Objectives:
  1. Attendees will be able to describe at least 1 common intervention to address food selectivity
  2. Attendees will be able to describe at least 1 common intervention to address toileting difficulties
  3. Attendees will be able to describe at least 1 common intervention to address sleeping difficulties
  4. Attendees will be able to list at least 2 resources relating to addressing issues around toileting, feeding, and sleeping
  5. Attendees will be able to state at least 1 consideration to take into account when creating toileting, feeding, and sleeping interventions.

2 Learning BACB® CEUs - Constant Quest to Do Better

Behavior analysts work in an ever changing environment where it is crucial to maintain interaction with peers and mentors to provide the most effective access to our science as possible. The purpose of this presentation is to explore a few stories of how specific clients or "problems" have resulted in important personal discoveries within the science of behavior analysis. Broad scale technological advancements are an incredible feat to achieve for our science. However, sometimes the most important accomplishments come from the technologies we develop specific to a certain client or experience that we can then more broadly apply to the work we do as behavior analysts. Most often the problem you seek to solve is vastly different from the actual reason for lack of progress in the first place. Attendees of this presentation should leave with a sense of how to pinpoint the relevant problem and develop solutions for solving it.  Learning Objectives 
  1. Attendees will be able to describe how to approach at least 1 barrier to learning
  2. Attendees will be able to describe why the analysis in behavior analysis is a crucial component of the work behavior analysts do day in and day out 


DoBetter 2018 Bundle Number of CEs
EI: What I wish I learned in Grad School 3
Break out of the Skinner Box 3.5
Design Instruction Better 2
ABLLS-R…Choosing the Right Assessment 3
Barriers to Learning – Part 2 2
Play and Developing Reinforcers 3
The Parent is Always Right 2
Best practices in behavioral skills training, functional communication training, and demand fading 2.5
Navigate Challenging Behavior Better 6 Ethics
Don’t Be Afraid of the Funky Blue Chart 2.5
Schedule Reinforcement Better 2
Toileting, Feeding, and Sleep 2
The Constant Quest to Do Better 2
Total 35.5

Additional information

CEU Type

Learning, Ethics

CEU Amount

>= 5

Product Type


Course Presenter

Megan Miller, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA


Paid, Included with Trail Blazers