(REC) Examining Early Intervention Practices:  Balancing Agency and Autonomy in Supporting Child Development

Early intervention is a critical component of effective outcomes for autistic children. The field of behavior analysis was one of the first to publish research demonstrating methods that produced differences in outcomes (Lovaas, 1987). However, substantial research has occurred since this time to better understand social communication and language development as well as the trajectories of autism based on interventions received. This presentation provides a summary of the current research in Early Intervention relating to Naturalistic Developmental Behavioral Interventions (NDBIs) and development of social-communication. Additionally, the presentation explores ethical considerations relating to how intervention is delivered and the impact of the over-use of extinction procedures.

Promoting agency and autonomy from birth is important for babies and toddlers. It can empower them to feel seen, heard, and valued, leading to greater engagement and motivation in their own development. Providing a controlled, adult-led environment can stifle their natural curiosity and limit opportunities for self-expression and exploration. Striking a balance between safety and independence is key for promoting growth and development. It is not just about making them feel good in the moment, it is about setting them up for a lifetime of thriving. Together, let us create environments that empower our youngest ones to be their authentic selves and to reach their full potential.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Participants will be able to provide at least 1 reason why it is important to focus on building social-communication skills based on the current research 2. Participants will be able to define Active Engagement and explain the role it plays in the ethical delivery of early intervention services 3. Participants will be able to provide at least 1 section of the ethics code that supports limiting the use of escape based interventions within early intervention service delivery
  2. Participants will be able to identify at least 1 advantage and disadvantage of using adult-led vs child-led learning approaches
  3. Participants will be able to provide at least 1 change to make to traditional Early Intensive Behavioral Intervention or Verbal Behavior based intervention based on current research

About Instructor

Megan Miller

57 Courses

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 2 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate

    4.5 Ethics BACB®


