(REC) Early Intervention: What I Wish I Learned in Grad School

Behavior analysts frequently work in Early Intervention settings with populations birth to 3 years of age but do not receive behavior analytic training on typical child development and developmental research. This webinar discusses some of the key aspects of developmental research that all behavior analysts should be familiar with when working in EI settings. Additionally, participants will learn about different behaviorally based interventions and procedures to use with children birth to three that more closely emulate the natural environment and typical development. Participants receive access to supporting documents that provide examples of how to develop a routines based plan for families, a decision tree for determining how to structure intervention, and literature summaries relating to imitation and autism.

Participants will be able to:

  1. Provide a basic explanation of the Early Start Denver Model and how it is behavior analytic in nature
  2. Explain the importance of focus on social interaction and development with the birth to three population
  3. Identify the steps of the imitation procedure used within the Early Start Denver Model
  4. Identify resources for working with EI populations and explain how those resources support implementation of behavior analytic interventions
  5. Analyze whether or not skills being targeted for a birth to 3 client are being taught in the most appropriate fashion
  6. Identify at least 3 strategies that can be used to promote engagement within the EI setting

About Instructor

Megan Miller

57 Courses

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 2 Lessons
  • 1 Quiz
  • Course Certificate

    3 Learning BACB®