(REC) 8 Hour Required Supervision Training 2.0

Do Better Collective (Do Better Movement) is an ACE Approved Type 2 CE Provider. This course meets the requirements for the 8 hour supervision training 2.0 required by the Behavior Analyst Certification Board. This training program is based on the BACB Supervisor Training Curriculum Outline (2.0) but is offered independent of the BACB®. To access the supervisor training curriculum 2.0 from the BACB®, click on this link and scroll to the appropriate section: https://www.bacb.com/supervision-resources/

The PDF of the curriculum that can be downloaded from the BACB® is also included in your course “materials” tab in this section.

This course is organized in sections based on the BACB® Curriculum Outline 2.0. Your progress within the course is tracked and you cannot move on to the next section of the course until you have completed the current section. We recommend watching a lecture in full as your place in the video will not save.

You are required by the BACB® to demonstrate application of the content being trained. Check for understanding questions and document creation assignments are used within this course to demonstrate application. Follow the instructions within the section of the course to meet these requirements.

If you have questions about this course at any time, please email Dr. Megan Miller: megan@dobettercollective.us

About Instructor

Megan Miller

57 Courses

Not Enrolled

Course Includes

  • 10 Lessons
  • 17 Topics
  • 17 Quizzes
  • Course Certificate

    9.5 Supervision BACB®