Constructionally Selecting and Programming for Learner Goals

CEUs: 2 Learning BACB®
Presenter(s): Awab Abdel-Jalil, BCBA



Goldiamond introduced the Constructional Approach in his seminal 1974 paper as an orientation which aims to directly produce desirable repertoires– rather than focusing on decelerating repertoires deemed problematic. The Constructional Approach has recently gained popularity due to many reasons. Some questions still remain: Within the constructional approach, how are goals selected? After they are selected, how are programs created to teach those goals?

This session will introduce pragmatic ways to select goals, and tips on creating programs that build on existing repertoires and strengths, and harness the power of stimulus control and reinforcement contingencies that are already in place.

Several case examples, including autistic children, will be provided to illustrate the programing process with learners of differing abilities and goals— across a range of topics from handwriting to exposure treatment. This presentation will focus on the important details commonly left out of major presentations– but these details make all the difference.

Learning Objectives:

  • Identify at least 3 important considerations for selecting constructional goals.
  • Identify at least 3 important considerations for creating constructional programs.
  • Given a case presentation, attendees will be able to select a constructional goal and sketch out a constructional program to teach that goal.

Presenter: Awab Abdel-Jalil, BCBA

Awab Abdel-Jalil is the senior behavior analysis researcher at Upstate Caring Partners and a current Ph.D. student at Endicott College under Dr. T. V. Joe Layng’s mentorship. Awab began his study of behavior analysis as an undergraduate at the University of North Texas and carried his passion for the science into the graduate program. On the graduate level, he completed his Master’s thesis under Dr. Jesús Rosales-Ruiz’s guidance. Awab recently co-authored the book Nonlinear Contingency Analysis: Going Beyond Cognition and Behavior in Clinical Practice, two papers on a nonlinear constructional approach to assent, and a systematic literature review on exposure therapies for medical procedures. He’s given over 30 symposia, workshops, and papers at major behavioral science conferences on several topics including nonlinear contingency analysis, the constructional approach, assent, emotions, problem solving, and exposure therapy. He’s also currently an adjunct instructor for Endicott College’s Master ABA program, and a Distinguished Scholar for the Cambridge Center for Behavioral Studies.

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ABA Tools


Paid, Included with Trail Blazers

Course Presenter

Awab Abdel-Jalil, BCBA