Couch-to-Camp 2020: Online Conference (recorded)

CEUs: Earn up to 21 Learning Type II BACB® (2 ethics and 2 supervision included)


  • Recorded conference
  • Presenters: Megan Miller, Ph.D., BCBA-D, LBA | Amy L Evans, MEd, BCBA | Dr. Corinne Gist | Kathy Fox | Emily Wilson, M.A., BCBA, LBA | Jennifer Phelps, M.S., BCBA | Dr. August Stockwell, BCBA-D | Dr. August Stockwell, BCBA-D
  • Up to 21 Learning Type II BACB® CEUs available (2 Ethics & 2 Supervision CEUs included)
SPECIAL NOTE: This course does not offer a handout version of each session for notes
If you purchase this course you will earn 150 Points worth $15.00!


This is a recorded online conference that occurred on April 3rd to 5th, 2020. This event was curated for behavior analysts of all backgrounds who are committed to lifelong professional growth and improvement in the science of behavior analysis.

Course Content


Fun Extras

Additional information

CEU Type

Learning, Ethics, Supervision

CEU Amount

>= 5

Product Type


Course Presenter

Amy L Evans, MEd, BCBA, Dr. August Stockwell, BCBA-D, Dr. Corinne Gist, Emily Wilson, MA, BCBA, LBA, Kathy Fox, Megan Miller, PhD, BCBA-D, LBA


Paid, Included with Trail Blazers


Assent Withdrawl, Assessment, Challenging Behavior, Composite Analysis, Frequency Building, Instructional Design, Intervention